Paru : “Addressing the Climate in Modern Age’s Construction History : Between Architecture and Building Services Engineering / Carlo Manfredi, Springer, avril 2019
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dont chapitre de Emmanuel Gallo : “Two Early Examples of Central Heating Systems in France During the 19th Century”, p. 83-101
Abstract: Two early Examples of Central Heating Systems in France during the nineteenth century Emmanuelle Gallo Abstract In that paper, two case studies of heating history are detailed: the French stock exchange building in Paris the Palais Brongniart (1808–1826) and the Lariboisière hospital (1846–1854). With the first case, it was an opportunity to realize a diachronic approach, the evolution of several heating system and energy consumption in that very special program, from the first steam system in the country to the Parisian’s district heating network since 1947. With the second case, we explained how a competition between two systems moved a building in use into a research laboratory with two different heat transfer fluid and two ventilation devices settled in the two opposite wings of the hospital. With those two cases, archive studies allowed to discovered new data on all sorts of energy used for heating and lighting since 1805 and their prices during the centuries. A new research program was the result of these investigations.
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Pascal Fort (16 avril 2019). Paru : “Addressing the Climate in Modern Age’s Construction History : Between Architecture and Building Services Engineering / Carlo Manfredi, Springer, avril 2019. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse