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Call for Submissions: Getty Research Journal (deadline: Jul 1, 2020)

CFP: Getty Research Journal, Fall 2021 Issue
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
Deadline: Jul 1, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the Getty Research Journal will begin biannual publication in 2021. Submissions are invited for the inaugural fall issue. Published twice a year, in February and in August, the journal will continue to feature the work of art historians, museum curators, and conservators around the world as part of the Getty’s mission to promote the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world’s artistic legacy. Articles are peer reviewed. We welcome submissions of original scholarship relevant to the Getty’s initiatives, research projects and themes, and collections. The Getty Research Journal is distributed in print and electronically by the University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, and is also archived on JSTOR.

The Getty Research Journal publishes full-length articles (approximately 5,000–12,000 words and 8–12 illustrations) and shorter notices often highlighting new research, acquisitions, or discoveries in the Getty’s collections (approximately 2,000–5,000 words and 3–7 illustrations). All word counts include endnotes.

Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. Submissions received by July 1, 2020, will be considered for the fall 2021 issue. Authors submitting in languages other than English should submit as early as possible to allow for additional time needed for peer review and translation. The journal will translate articles accepted in languages other than English.

View the Journal Online:
Instructions for Authors:
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Getty Research Journal Editorial Board
Gail Feigenbaum, Editor
Scott C. Allan, LeRonn Brooks, Maristella Casciato, Anne-Lise Desmas, Tom Learner, Mary Miller, Rebecca Peabody, Andrew Perchuk, Richard Rand, David Saunders, Alexa Sekyra, and Naoko Takahatake

Reference / Quellennachweis:
CFP: Getty Research Journal, Fall 2021 Issue. In:, Apr 15, 2020. <>.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (18 avril 2020). Call for Submissions: Getty Research Journal (deadline: Jul 1, 2020). Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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