[En ligne] Soutenance de thèse de M. Mohammad MANSOURI : “Réinterprétation des Muqarnas: Développement historique, modélisation paramétrique, fabrication” – ENSA Paris-Malaquais (en visio conférence) – 22 juin 2020
M. Mohammad MANSOURI soutient sa thèse : “Réinterprétation des Muqarnas: Développement historique, modélisation paramétrique, fabrication”, sous la direction de M. Porrino.
Date : lundi 22 juin à 14h00 en visioconférence.
École doctorale Ville, Transports et Territoires – VTT, Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire Géométrie/Structure/Architecture – GSA, ENSA Paris-Malaquais
Membres du jury
Bernard CACHE, Professeur associé, EPFL, Directeur du laboratoire CNPA, Rapporteur
Jean-François COULAIS, Professeur, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, Examinateur
Vincenza GAROFALO, Maîtresse de conférences, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Examinatrice
Pierre LECLERCQ, Professeur, Université de Liège, Directeur du LUCID Lab, Examinateur
Cristiana MAZZONI, Professeure, HDR, ENSA Paris-Belleville, Directrice de l’UMR AUSser, Présidente du jury
Antonella TUFANO, Maîtresse de conférences, HDR, ENSA Paris-La-Villette, Rapporteur
Résumé de la thèse
Dialogue with tradition is still a major issue in Iranian society today. Different architectural movements mixing traditional architecture and contemporary architecture have followed one another in recent decades in Iran. On the other hand, we are witnessing today the increasingly rapid development of “digital” in all aspects of the architectural discipline, which results in the rapprochement of design and manufacturing. Indeed, the emergence of digital tools in architecture, in particular parametric and algorithmic tools, facilitates and encourages the use of complex geometry.
Furthermore, one of the foundations of traditional Iranian architecture is the presence of geometry, which is very visible within the structural and decorative elements. It is, therefore, the reemergence of geometry thanks to digital technology that led us to focus on the reinterpretation of the Muqarnas to reflect on its transposition in the contemporary Iranian context. The Muqarnas is a spatial and geometrically complex element of Iranian architecture in the Islamic period, suspended between structure and ornament. In this process of generating new Muqarnas, we use parametric and algorithmic tools because of their computational capacities and potential.
Our main question is how and with what approach should we reinterpret Muqarnas using digital tools? By taking into account the studies carried out on Muqarnas, we put forward the hypothesis according to which a historical study of the evolution of Muqarnas would allow us to structure the approach of numerical reinterpretation. We will therefore first reinvest deeply the history of the evolution of Muqarnas by studying the origin and geometric evolution. This study allows us to deduce geometric principles, forming a framework for the digital reinterpretation of the Muqarnas. Then, in the digital reinterpretation section, the principles coming from the historical study are integrated into several digital generative approaches. Each approach presents an algorithmic and parametric logic of the generation of Muqarnas by evaluating the advantages and limits. A final part is devoted to fabrication in which we approach the question of implementation and manufacturing by prototyping. Small and large-scale prototypes are presented from different generative approaches.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (19 juin 2020). [En ligne] Soutenance de thèse de M. Mohammad MANSOURI : “Réinterprétation des Muqarnas: Développement historique, modélisation paramétrique, fabrication” – ENSA Paris-Malaquais (en visio conférence) – 22 juin 2020. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v0np