Appel à communications pour la conférence EuroSEAS (date limite : 15 mai 2021)
L’appel à communications pour la conférence EuroSEAS qui aura lieu les 7-10 septembre 2021) à Olomouc en République Tchèque (Palacky University) est désormais lancé. L’appel à communication est ouvert aux propositions de tous les chercheurs et doctorants de toutes disciplines confondues en lien avec l’Asie du Sud-Est.
Date limite de candidature : 15 mai 2021
Accédez à l’appel : EuroSEAS
The European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) will hold its 11th conference at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic from 7-10 September 2021. As an international and multi-disciplinary organisation, EuroSEAS invites scholars and PhD students from all academic disciplines with an interest in Southeast Asia to present a paper in one of the selected panels at the EuroSEAS conference in Olomouc. For the accepted panels please see below.
Covid-19 disclaimer: Under the current circumstances a physical conference cannot be guaranteed. EuroSEAS and the Organising Committee will, of course, have to follow international, national and local regulations. Naturally, our intention is to meet in person but force majeur cannot be ruled out. In case a physical conference is not possible*, the board would do its best to facilitate and organize an online EuroSEAS conference or series of activities.
Paper presenters
If you want to participate in a panel, please send your paper abstract directly to the panel conveners before 15 May 2021. EuroSEAS will not accept paper proposals that are not part of a panel!
Panel conveners
Panel conveners have to inform the EuroSEAS secretariat ( about the paper proposals they have accepted.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (4 février 2021). Appel à communications pour la conférence EuroSEAS (date limite : 15 mai 2021). Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse