Exhibition and Webinare series “Hong Kong Horizontal Metropolis: A Paradigm Shift. An international exhibition and a forum between urbanism and urbanization.” – Hong Kong, Université CityU – 04 au 26 septembre 2021
The exhibition
The exhibition will be held in Hong Kong at the City Gallery of Hong Kong from 4th to 26th of September, 2021.
Hong Kong Horizontal Metropolis: A Paradigm Shift exhibition aims to document life within the “Horizontal Metropolis”, discussing underway landscape transformations through theoretically grounded interdisciplinary approaches, combining spatial analysis, case studies, and research by design. The exhibition sprouts from the line of research led by Professor Paola Viganò and conceptualized as “Horizontal Metropolis” presented at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2016 at the Centre of Fine Arts BOZAR in Brussel in 2018, and the BI-CITY Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (UABB) in Shenzhen in 2019-20. The “Horizontal Metropolis” refers to a layered territorial construction where rich cultural history, green economic activities and new modes of communication create original ties. The exhibition proposes a research framework to explore design strategies for re-cycling and upgrading cities-territory and displays its application in six case studies worldwide: Hong Kong, Huangzhou (China), Veneto region (Italy), Lausanne (Switzerland), Valais (Switzerland) and Boston (USA).
Previous exhibition link: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-horisontal-metropolis-a-radical-project-biennale-architettura-2016
The webinar series
The webinar series will be held online on Saturdays, September 11th, 18th and 25th. On each day, there will be two sessions covering one of the three main themes: Radical Ecologies, Symbiotic Urbanism, and Territory.In each session, the invited presenters will introduce their work in 15 minutes followed by a panel discussion and Q&A. Panel chairs and presenters are scholars and practitioners from all the (inter)disciplinary fields that contribute to the introduced notions and themes. With the consent of the participants, the webinar sessions will be made available online for educational purposes on the exhibition’s permalink (soon available at: www.hkhm.org).
Link du webinaire : https://hkhm.org/webinars
Interventions membres UMR AUSser
Saturday 11 September 2021,
Radical Ecologies: The session critically inquiries established socioeconomic paradigms to propose novel approaches and values to respond to the impelling environmental crisis.
17:00-17:15 Sébastien Marot, École d’architecture de la ville & des territoires, Université of Paris-Est
Saturday 18 September 2021,
Symbiotic Urbanism: The session investigates the symbiotic interrelations of social, economic, and ecological systems that contribute to the endogenous anthropogenic shaping of the landscape.
Panel Chair : Cristiana Mazzoni, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville, UMR AUSser, Paris.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (22 septembre 2021). Exhibition and Webinare series “Hong Kong Horizontal Metropolis: A Paradigm Shift. An international exhibition and a forum between urbanism and urbanization.” – Hong Kong, Université CityU – 04 au 26 septembre 2021. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v148