Colloque “Histories of Urban Design” – ETH Zürich – 15 au 17 novembre 2021
Le colloque “Histories of Urban Design: Global Trajectories and Local Realities”, co-organisé par les départements d’architecture de ETH Zürich et TUDelft, aura lieu au département d’architecture de ETH Zürich les 15, 16 et 17 novembre 2021.
Accédez au site : Histories of Urban Design
We invite papers that analyse urban design projects that were designed and/or realised from the early 20th century to today. Papers should weave threads between programmes, challenges, forms and practices, and thereby connect the heteronomy of urban design to its autonomy. Case-studies that have not yet been examined in great detail and case-studies that originate in lesser studied geographies are particularly welcome. With this conference, we seek to collect a varied range of micro-histories that demonstrate how urban design projects have responded to global trajectories and local realities, from the early 20th century to today.
Accédez au programme : cliquez ici
Contribution membre associé UMR AUSser
Lundi 15 novembre 2021 : Valery Didelon (membre associé ACS/AUSser) : “The Plan-Guide, from one Island to Another“
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (25 octobre 2021). Colloque “Histories of Urban Design” – ETH Zürich – 15 au 17 novembre 2021. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse