Consultation Meeting/Workshop: “Strengthening management and capacity building Assessment for Tentative World Heritage Site of Monuments, Sites and Cultural Landscape of Chiang Mai, Capital of Lana” – From May to November 2021
From May to November 2021, the Chiang Mai World Heritage nomination team conducted a situational analysis on the capacity of actors involved in managing the site with technical inputs from Deakin University, Australia, and coordination of UNESCO Bangkok.
During the 8 Workshop sessions, the nomination team organised and analysed their “Gap” findings with the proposed organizational management structure and a capacity building strategy for the tentative World Heritage Site of Monuments, Sites and Cultural Landscape of Chiang Mai, Capital of Lana.
These are expected to lead to sustainable and inclusive site management that responds to local cultural and institutional needs. The newly developed UNESCO Competence Framework for Cultural Heritage Management and Enhancing our Heritage informed the processes and activities from this workshop event.
Contribution membre UMR AUSser
Komson TEERAPARBWONG (doctorant IPRAUS/AUSser)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (15 décembre 2021). Consultation Meeting/Workshop: “Strengthening management and capacity building Assessment for Tentative World Heritage Site of Monuments, Sites and Cultural Landscape of Chiang Mai, Capital of Lana” – From May to November 2021. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse