[Parution en ligne] The Newsletter 90 Autumn 2021 : SEANNET: The First Five Years
This Fall, we mark five years since the establishment of the Southeast Asia Neighborhoods Network (SEANNET), a network established at IIAS with core funding from the Henry Luce Foundation in New York to better understand cities in Southeast Asia through the lens of city neighborhoods.
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In this Focus section, we and our SEANNET partners reflect on the first five years of SEANNET, but we also look forward to the next phase, for we are very happy to announce that the Henry Luce Foundation has confirmed funding for a second and larger phase, entitled the Southeast Asia Neighborhoods Network 2.0: Communities of Learning, Research and Teaching Collaborative, or “SEANNET Collective” for short. Whereas SEANNET 1.0 was led from IIAS, SEANNET Collective will be led from the Singapore University of Social Sciences, with Rita Padawangi as the overall coordinator.
The expansion of the network comes at a critical time for cities in Southeast Asia, as is explained in more detail in the “Significance of SEANNET” section below. Not only is the coronavirus pandemic altering the life of millions (as in the rest of the world), but political turmoil and insecurity reigns in many countries of the region, which tends to affect poor urban dwellers the hardest.
In what follows, the co-coordinators of SEANNET 1.0 introduce the objectives and approach of the network, expand on the larger trends mentioned above, and invite the principal investigators of the six SEANNET 1.0 study sites to reflect on a central question: “What have you learned about cities in general, and your city in particular, through the neighborhoods you have been studying in the past five years?” Each team has approached this question differently, and this Focus section brings their voices together in the form of seven essays and accompanying images that appear after this introduction.
Présentation réseau SEANNET
Dans le cadre du réseau SEANNET, des recherches examinent les actions menées par des communautés d’habitants de six villes d’Asie du Sud-Est (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Surabaya, Manilla, Rangoon, et Ho Chi Minh Ville), engagés dans la transformation ou la contestation de projets concernant leur quartier. L’angle d’approche est ici la perspective des usagers, de leurs systèmes de valeurs et de leurs pratiques spatiales. L’UMR AUSser et l’Université de Chiang Mai sont chargées de l’étude de cas de Chiang Mai.
Contributions membres UMR AUSser
Pijika Pumketkao-Lecourt (membre associée IPRAUS/AUSser)
Komson Teeraparbwong (doctorant IPRAUS/AUSser)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (15 décembre 2021). [Parution en ligne] The Newsletter 90 Autumn 2021 : SEANNET: The First Five Years. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v173