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EURA ( European Urban Research Association) 2022 Conference : “Defrag-Europe : fragility/antifragility at play in contemporary Europe” – Politecnico di Milano (Italie) – 15 au 18 juin 2022

Le colloque EURA (European Urban Research Association) 2022 : “Defrag-Europe : fragility/antifragility at play in contemporary Europe” aura lieu à Milan du 15 au 18 juin 2022.

Ce colloque esst organisé par Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies.

Accédez au site du colloque : EURA 2022

EURA Contacts:

EURA 2022 Contacts: Email:


The 2022 EURA Conference promotes critical reflection on various processes of fragilization, which imposes distress on places and people, particularly in Europe, evidently tightly related to the global transition that the world is experiencing. The event invites scholars to dare challenge mainstream concepts and approaches, promoting transdisciplinary research and contributing to feeding a new policy agenda based on anti-fragility policies.

Les thématiques

01 – Marginalized territories of Europe

02 – Mobilities, accessibility and proximity

03 – Regenerating urbanity

04 – Institutions politics and policies between crisis and transitions

05 – Governance of transition

06 – Sustainability as a challenge, within an integrated perspective

07 – Material welfare, inequalities and territorial fragilization

08 – Fragile heritage sites in a globalizing world

09 – University, urban research and public engagement

10 – Economies and territories at risk

11 – Recovery and next generation EU observatory

Contribution membre UMR AUSser

Marina Rotolo (membre associée IPRAUS/AUSser) : intervention dans “08 – Fragile heritage sites in a globalizing world” :
Titre : Heritage as creative material

Résumé : The paper questions heritage representation based on the case of Matera, European Capital of Culture in 2019. More specifically, the paper will focus on a flagship project of the cultural year: the I-DEA project, Institute Demo-Ethno-Anthropology. We will discuss the vision of heritage carried by this new labelling, particularly with regard to the material and immaterial resources that it mobilises. We will show that this project reveals a shift towards an alternative form of cultural places. Indeed, it questions the concept of museum – more specifically, the ecomuseum – and proposes a new artistic approach. In this perspective, the I-DEA moves away from the spatial dimension to favour a decontextualised approach that uses digital technologies to reinterpret local heritage. From then on, we can observe a reversal of the representation of heritage through cultural labelling. This conception of heritage is also rooted in a context of globalisation of cultural production where material and immaterial archives become a material to be mobilised among other possible supports. This approach transforms heritage into an object of consumption and production at the service of a city that is part of the network of attractive cultural metropolises.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (1 juin 2022). EURA ( European Urban Research Association) 2022 Conference : “Defrag-Europe : fragility/antifragility at play in contemporary Europe” – Politecnico di Milano (Italie) – 15 au 18 juin 2022. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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