Call for Papers: Nomad Seminar in Historiography – San Diego
Call for Papers: Nomad Seminar in Historiography
The Housing Question – Nomad Seminar in Historiography – San Diego University of San Diego
Date : March 12-13, 2015
We seek contributions from art and architectural historians as well as scholars from other fields concerned with housing. Please submit 500-word abstracts and short CV by November 15 to Juliana Maxim, Associate Professor, Department of Art, Architecture + Art History, University of San Diego, at; and to Can Bilsel, Chair and Professor, Department of Art, Architecture + Art History, University of San Diego, at
Those selected to present at the conference will be contacted in early December. Final papers will be due no later than February 25, and will be posted on the conference website. The University of San Diego may be able to offer limited travel subsidies for graduate students and participants from overseas.
Extrait du site : More than 140 years after Engels polemically linked urban dwelling and political project, what has become of the housing question? In the last decade, housing has been the object of intense and wide-ranging attention, but discussion has mostly narrowed down to its role within national and international economies. In this perspective, housing is but an asset subjected to the mechanisms of consumption, investment, and finance, bobbing up and down the waves, bubbles, and crashes of global capitalism. This has not always been the case. Since the 19th-century outcry over the living conditions of the working class, housing has had a long and meaningful history as the sphere in which progressive reform has been imagined, debated, and implemented, and where social values, political projects, and new forms of collectivity could be tested and shaped.
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Pascal Fort (6 octobre 2014). Call for Papers: Nomad Seminar in Historiography – San Diego. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse