Call for Sessions “European Architectural History Network: Fourth International Meeting” – Dublin
Call for Sessions “European Architectural History Network: Fourth International Meeting”
Deadline for proposals: 5 January 2015
Lieu : Dublin Castle
Date : 2-4 june 2016
Scholars who wish to chair a session or roundtable at the 2016 meeting are invited to submit proposals by 5 January 2015 to Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty (, General Chair of the Fourth EAHN International Meeting, UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Full details are in the following document: call for sessions
Duties of the session and roundtable chairs include selecting who shall present from the proposals submitted to them by the agreed deadline, communicating the list of speakers and titles to the conference organizers by the agreed deadline, and submitting material for the proceedings to the conference organizers by the agreed deadline. Chairs will not be able to act as speakers in their own or any other session or round table at the conference. Although there will be some editorial help available for non-native English speakers, ensuring that the intellectual content is publishable in the proceedings is the responsibility of the chair. Sessions should be unique to EAHN. Should a similar proposal be found for a different conference, the Scientific Committee will withdraw the session from the EAHN programme.
Proposals in English of no more than 400 words, including a session or roundtable title, should summarize the subject and the premise. Please include name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, e-mail address, and a current CV. Proposals and short CVs should be submitted by e-mail, including the text in both the body of the mail and the attachment.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (21 octobre 2014). Call for Sessions “European Architectural History Network: Fourth International Meeting” – Dublin. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse