[Parution en ligne] revue scientifique CPCL (Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes) n°5.2 : “Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 2”, editors Pierpaolo Ascari et Andrea Borsari, avril 2023
Le numéro 5.2 de la revue scientifique CPCL (Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes), intitulé “Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 2” (editors Pierpaolo Ascari et Andrea Borsari), vient d’être publié.
Accédez à la revue en ligne : CPCL n°5.2
Stiegler’s perspective on perceptual impoverishment and socio-political transformations and Peter Sloterdijk’s metaphorical spatial spectrum then provided opportunities to deepen the theoretical grounds for rede-fining the very concept of the Anthropocene, while case studies turned to nineteenth-century public parks and the aestheticization of nature, con-flicts in land use planning, and site-specific and temporary architectural interventions to refine responses to environmental challenges.With the second issue presented here, it was possible to further expand the lines of investigation that focused on visual culture and the imaginary, on certain authors and theoretical junctures (Schelling, Adorno, Tsing), on relations with territory and landscape, on the urban dimension and its social representations, on the return of nature in architecture and in ecosemiotic studies, and finally concluding on a review of the possible relations between the conceptual heritage of aesthetics and the counter-visualization modes of the Anthropocene. (Extrait de l’introduction)
Contribution membre UMR AUSser
“Soil of Enterprises. A Critical-Historical Analysis“, Federico Diodato (doctorant OCS/AUSser, Eav&t Paris-Est), p. 127-144
Accédez à l’article en ligne : Soil of Enterprises
Résumé : In France, from the 1960s onwards, a tool for productive territorial planning was put into place: the Zone d’Activité Économique (ZAE). As sites reserved for the establishing of enterprises within a given perimeter, outside inhabited centres, ZAEs have since grown steadily and become one of the major factors responsible for the peri-urbanisation of the French territory. Their impact on soil artificialisation and the fragmentation of agricultural land forces us today to question their ability for a sustainable development of the territory. After introducing the ZAEs, the paper will propose a “territorialist approach”, which aims to establish a synergistic relationship between production and local resources. In this perspective, it is necessary to return to local development systems: forms of development rooted in endogenous characteristics and territorial specificities that focus their specificities on the production of sustainable and perennial wealth. What is the role of the soil in these practices? Can the soil be considered the ‘active operator’ of productive processes, a heritage to be maintained and valued within the economic process?
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Pascal Fort (19 avril 2023). [Parution en ligne] revue scientifique CPCL (Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes) n°5.2 : “Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 2”, editors Pierpaolo Ascari et Andrea Borsari, avril 2023. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 21 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v1k5