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[Parution] “Cultural Mega-Events and Heritage: Challenges for European Cities” / Davide Ponzini, Routledge, may 2023

Parution de l’ouvrage : “Cultural Mega-Events and Heritage: Challenges for European Cities” / Davide Ponzini, Routledge, 2023.

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Contribution membre UMR AUSser

Marina Rotolo (membre IPRAUS/AUSser) : Internationalizing small-sized cities through mega-events: the case of Matera-Basilicata 2019 European Capital of Culture


This book analyses case studies of heritage-rich cities that hosted mega-events to discuss emerging challenges, controversies, and accomplishments.

The future of mega-events has never been more uncertain. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has introduced an unparalleled level of doubt regarding the kind of mega-events that will take place in the coming years. This book arrives at a quite unique moment of reflection. Prior to 2020, cities were already questioning the traditional format of mega-events (e.g. Olympics and Expo) while other cultural mega-events have been spreading and gaining popularity, thanks in part to typically lower costs of infrastructures and venues, far more adaptable arrangements, spatial distribution and time frame for hosting. In these ways, they have already been demonstrating higher flexibility in which to respond to future health and safety constraints. When it comes to the relation to the existing city, cultural mega-events have been planned, implemented, and studied far more than any other. By leveraging the richness of cultural mega-events, this multidisciplinary collection deepens the intersection between events and cultural heritage. The chapters in this book provide a new theoretical framework, critical questions, and relevant case studies to argue that the nexus between mega-events and heritage is a key challenge for many cities in Europe and beyond.

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of European Planning Studies.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (22 mai 2023). [Parution] “Cultural Mega-Events and Heritage: Challenges for European Cities” / Davide Ponzini, Routledge, may 2023. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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