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EAAE annual conference 2023: School of Architecture (S) – Politecnico di Torino (Italie) – 30 août au 1er septembre 2023

La conférence annuelle 2023 de l’EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) dont la thématique est “School of Architecture (S)” aura lieu au Politecnico di Torino (Italie) les 30 août et 1er septembre 2023.

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The Torino EAAE Annual Conference 2023 titled School of Architecture(s), will focus on the plurality of architecture as a discipline and on the role of architectural education in training, questioning, and practicing this plurality.

Architecture as a discipline entangles multiple interactions between the physical world, technology, and the organisation of the cultural and social environment of the profession, but its multidisciplinary character is not the only multi-dimension to be investigated. In the era of post-architecture, moving towards an autonomous subjectivity, opening up the field, and questioning the plurality of the discipline is crucial: not just Architecture but Architecture(s). Furthermore, European Schools of Architecture offer a wide variety of meanings of the term Architecture in their curricula. For all these reasons, it is urgent to discuss a broadening of the term itself to understand the positioning of architectural education in the contemporary global world.

The conference is an invitation to think differently, reflecting upon the context of the discipline to understand the knowledge of the future, focusing on the question: what is Architecture in the age often described as post-architecture?

Considering how antagonist characters polarise human knowledge and that architectural practice is moving towards an autonomous subjectivity, architecture can be understood as a tension between dichotomies leading to a new paradigm: architecture(s).

Contribution membre UMR AUSser

Béatrice Mariolle (membre IPRAUS/AUSser) : What can architecture do?

Résumé : Some territories encounter an accumulation of difficulties, despoiling of resources, slavery, maltreatment, then abandonment with pollution, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, diseases… The mining basin of the Nord and Pas-de-Calais is a good illustration. It was exploited from the beginning of the 18th century for its coal. Despite its recognition in 2012 as a Unesco World Heritage Site, it remains a territory in economic decline and whose social indicators are alarming.The chair created in 2018, entitled “Acclimatizing post-mining territories”, proposes to take into consideration social and economic issues as a basis for education and research activities in architecture. Considering that it is therefore in a situation of weak economy that the architectural and ecological transformations are posed. The acclimatization of mining cities is interested in the houses themselves (thermal insulation, energy production, ventilation, finishing work…), but also in the relations between the house, the garden and the public space (permaculture, rainwater management, meeting spaces…), in the links between the house and the large territory (bio and geo-sourced materials sector, reproducibility of the proposals, green and blue webs…) The inhabitants are the primary actors in the project, along with social landlords, elected officials and technicians.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (30 août 2023). EAAE annual conference 2023: School of Architecture (S) – Politecnico di Torino (Italie) – 30 août au 1er septembre 2023. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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