[Parution] “Paris, mirroring metropolises: Ile-de-France as a new Ecoregion” / sous la direction de Cristiana MAZZONI, Flavia MAGLIACANI, Juliette POMMIER, Editions de La Commune, 2023
L’équipe AUSser est heureuse de vous annoncer la parution de : “Paris, mirroring metropolises: Ile-de-France as a new Ecoregion” / sous la direction de Cristiana MAZZONI (directrice UMR AUSser), Flavia MAGLIACANI (membre associée IPRAUS/AUSser), Juliette POMMIER (membre AHTTEP/AUSser), Editions de La Commune, 2023, 375 p., ISBN 979-10-94148-17-4
In the early 2000s, the metropolitan dimension of Paris was again at the heart of the French institutional and scientific debate. In this context, the Institut d’études avancées de Paris (IEA-Paris) entrusted several researchers with leading the scientific programme “Paris in the mirror of metropolises”. The idea was to share approaches and points of view on the future of the Île-de-France metropolitan region, in parallel with the organisation of the international consultation on the “Grand Pari(s) de l’agglomération parisienne”. The metropolitan dimension was more than ever at the heart of the debates, which raised new questions on the governance and project of the capital region on the international scene. The “Paris Métropoles en miroir” programme (2007-2009), while remaining away from the major media events, benefited from this situation and from the contribution of various political, institutional and scientific actors who were then at the forefront of the public scene. While the transformations and mutations of Paris and the Île-de-France region were at the heart of the discussions and reflections, the programme also aimed to shed light on this object of study through a play of mirrors with other world metropolises in transformation. The first edition of the book was made possible thanks to the contribution of several public actors and researchers in urban architecture and urban planning. The English translation of the book has been enriched with new articles and innovative cartography and numerous maps and plans from the archives of the Atelier International du Grand Paris (AIGP 2010-2017) on the one hand, and the Institut Paris Region and the Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme on the other. (d’après éditeur)
Guy Burgel, Jean-Louis Cohen, Laurent Coudroy de Lille, Mireille Ferri, Fan Lang, Mario Gandelsonas, Antoine Grumbach, Carola Hein, Gérard Lacoste, Dieter Läpple, Albert Levy, Flavia Magliacani, Pierre Mansat, Maurizio Marcelloni, Marie-Hélène Massot, Cristiana Mazzoni, Steven Melemis, Juliette Pommier, Joao Farias Rovati, Laurent Terral, Yannis Tsiomis, Pieter Uyttenhove, Thomas Wright.
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Pascal Fort (29 janvier 2024). [Parution] “Paris, mirroring metropolises: Ile-de-France as a new Ecoregion” / sous la direction de Cristiana MAZZONI, Flavia MAGLIACANI, Juliette POMMIER, Editions de La Commune, 2023. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/vot6