Appel à contributions pour n° thématique du “Journal of Art Historiography” (Birmingham University) : l’historiographie de l’architecture
Appel à contributions pour n° thématique du “Journal of Art Historiography” (Birmingham University) : l’historiographie de l’architecture / Call for papers for the thematic issue dedicated to the history of architectural historiography
Date limite : 7 janvier 2016
Accédez à l’appel : Appel à contributions Journal of art historiography 6 2016
Extrait de l’appel : In the beginning was Vasari and in the beginning was Palladio. In his Vite Vasari described the lives of painters, sculptors and architects—the context of architectural creation, one may be tempted to say in our modern idiom. In the fourth book of his I quattro libri Palladio presented extensive comprehensive surveys of Roman temples—his was the first systematic publication of architectural works themselves. Since the Renaissance, the discipline of architectural history has been a combination of both approaches. Some architectural historians have
been originally trained as art historians, other as architects, and this dual background has decisive for the development of architectural historiography.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (30 mars 2015). Appel à contributions pour n° thématique du “Journal of Art Historiography” (Birmingham University) : l’historiographie de l’architecture. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse