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Conférence “Photo paysage/Landscape Representation” – Albuquerque USA – 15 au 17 octobre 2015

© J.B. Jackson/UNM, 2015

© J.B. Jackson/UNM, 2015

Conférence “Photo paysage/Landscape Representation”

Lieu : University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (USA)

Date : 15 au 17 octobre 2015

Organized by : Ecole nationale supérieure du paysage de Versailles (ENSP), School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, University Libraries, University of New Mexico,
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR-13-BSH3-0008-01)

Comité organisateur français : Jordi Ballesta, Contract researcher, Aurèle Crasson, Assistant Director at ITEM-CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Sonial Keravel, Lecturer at the ENSP-Versailles, Marie-Hélène Loze, Associate Professor at the ENSP, Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba, Research Assistant at the ENSP, Monique Sicard, Researcher at the CNRS. Co-responsible for the ANR Program Phototpaysage, Frédéric Pousin, Research Director at the CNRS. Responsible for the ANR Program Phototpaysage

Comité organisateur américain : Audra Bellmore, Associate Professor, University Libraries, Katya Crawford, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Miguel Gandert, Distinguished Professor of Communications and Journalism, Brian Goldstein, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Laura Harjo, Assistant Professor of Community and Regional Planning, Gianna May Sanchez, Master’s student, History Department, Webmaster, Chris Wilson, Committee Chair, J. B. Jackson Chair of Cultural Landscape Studies

Accédez au site : cliquez ici

Extrait du site : A French and American dialogue with two days of talks and discussions, three exhibitions, film screenings and social events.
Speakers range from artist-photographers who have focused on vernacular landscapes to landscape architects employing photography in their design practices to historians and writers examining the use of photography in the evolution of cultural landscape theory particularly by and in the wake of J. B. Jackson.
The conference will feature the findings of a three-year research initiative at the ENSP and CNRS on the interface of landscape and photography, along with a number of the contributors to Drawn to Landscape: The Pioneering Work of J. B. Jackson, edited by Janet Mendelsohn and Chris Wilson, and slated for publication in conjunction with the conference.

French Speakers: Monique Sicard, Jordi Ballesta, Bruno Notteboom, Frédéric Pousin, Sabine Delcour, Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba, Raphaële Bertho, and Lin Chi-Ming.

U. S. Speakers: Timothy Davis, Paul Groth, Helen L. Horowitz, Matthew Coolidge, Miguel Gandert, Laurie Olin, Lucy Lippard and Chris Wilson.

Session Chairs: Brian Goldstein, Richard Longstreth, Chester Liebs, Virginia Scharff, Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Katya Crawford and Laura Harjo.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (18 septembre 2015). Conférence “Photo paysage/Landscape Representation” – Albuquerque USA – 15 au 17 octobre 2015. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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