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Journée d’étude Franco-chinoise “Agricultures urbaines et métropolitaine à Shanghai et Paris” – Université Paris-Ouest – 17 mars 2016

Affiche_Journée_AU_v3Journée d’étude Franco-chinoise “Agricultures urbaines et métropolitaine à Shanghai et Paris : territoires lien social marché” 

Séminaire de l’axe «Interfaces et nouvelles dynamiques d’urbanisation»

UMR LAVUE/ Shanghai Academy of Social Science/ENSA Paris-Belleville

UKNA (Urban Knowledge network Asia)

Date : 17 mars 2016, 9h30-12h

Lieu : salle W1 (RdC), Bâtiment Max Weber, Université de Paris Ouest, Nanterre La Défense

Contact : Étienne Monin,

Topic: Study on the Development of Urban Agriculture in Shanghai

With the improvement of industrialization and urbanization in the world, problems of food safety, environment and big cities are becoming more and more serious. Urban agriculture can provide fresh and high quality agricultural products, improve city’s environment and landscape, create employment, establish family and neighborhood communication platform, and so on. So agriculture is helpful to promote cities become greener, more livable, more attractive and sustainable development. Therefore, it is important to retain agriculture or combine with agriculture in city planning, urban renewal and architectural design.

Abstract: It consists of four parts. First part, overview, it will give a brief introduction to the general situation of agriculture in Shanghai. Second part, review, it will analyze the evolution of urban agriculture in Shanghai, from the aspects of background, mechanism and characteristics. Third part, Status quo, it will focus on the present characteristics of urban agriculture in Shanghai, including the functions of agriculture in the city, agriculture development achievements and main issues. The last part, outlook, it will put forward the latest development trends and rethinking of urban agriculture in Shanghai’s new round development.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (10 mars 2016). Journée d’étude Franco-chinoise “Agricultures urbaines et métropolitaine à Shanghai et Paris” – Université Paris-Ouest – 17 mars 2016. Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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