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Appel à textes : Materia Arquitectura journal #17: Studio / Office: place, agents, production (deadline: Jun 22, 2018)

Open call for “Materia Arquitectura journal #17: Studio / Office: place, agents, production”.

Guest editor: Claudio Palavecino

Publication date: August 2018
Reception of collaborations until June 22
Submit your proposals to: / Subject: “Open Call MA #17”.

MATERIA ARQUITECTURA is indexed in: ESCI Web of Science, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, Latindex Directory of Scientific Journals, Latindex Catalogue of Scientific Journals; it is also a member of the Latin American Association of Architectural Magazines (ARLA) and, it was awarded the best Chilean architecture magazine at the XIX Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2015.

Download the full document of the open call here:

I. OPEN CALL MATERIA ARQUITECTURA #17: Studio / Office: Place, Agents, Production.

It is currently hard to single out the studio as the only traditional space for architecture learning and the office as the only space for professional architecture practice, as new pedagogical methods are overlapping on the known teaching canons, and new design practices rewrite the conventions of the profession. A permanent access to internet and cloud working are blurring the boundaries of the architectural office as a physical place, the changing economic conditions during recent years lead to new work methods and forms of partnership among the agents involved in project design. For their part, architecture schools explore other design research methods to expand their academic output. These new architectural studio and office models coexist with the most conventional forms, and despite their differences, we accept them both as the spaces from which architecture is made.

Materia Arquitectura # 17 poses to evidence, examine and question the different configurations of the studio and the office of architecture from three factors: the place (physical and virtual), the agents (and their interactions), and the productive dimension (both in academia and in the profession). We aim to shed light on new critical perspectives regarding the relations and conflicts between these factors, as in both the studio and the office, the disciplinary and professional paradigms of the architectural project are put into play, the cultural model of the architect is built through its design actions, and the operative frameworks that catalyze this work are defined. How do these places and their new configurations influence the way we learn, design, research and build? And, what new questions arise for understanding the architectural practices nowadays?

To publish in MATERIA ARQUITECTURA authors should submit their works to with the subject: “Open Call MA #17”

MATERIA ARQUITECTURA will only publish original and unpublished works. Texts and pictures will be the exclusive responsibility of the signing authors. Submitted manuscripts will be assessed by the Editorial Committee and by peer reviewers. Once the submitted material has been accepted, MATERIA ARQUITECTURA will contact the authors to give them specific instructions about the publication process. The sections open for collaborations are:

Essays, research, articles. It has a thematic character (see I. Call for Papers) and it will publish essays and theoretical works which are the result of researches or specific works. Authors whose work have been selected by the Editorial Committee should consider and/or attach the following:
> Manuscript between 2,500-3,500 words in length
> Abstract: maximum length 100 words.
> Five keywords.
> Citations, notes, references and bibliography must follow the rules of APA Style.
> Author´s biodata, 100 words maximum.
> Pictures, photographs (formats: TIFF, JPG, EPS. Resolution: 300 dpi).
> All submitted pictures must include: photo captions, data, source and authorization to be published.
> Plans (format: DWG).

Critical review of architectural works and projects.
> Text: maximum length 1,000 words.
> Technical data.
> Architectural drawings (.dwg), photographs and renders (300 dpi)

Visual exploration related to Dossier’s central theme.
> Introductory text: maximum length 400 words.
> 8 to 20 images (300 dpi)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pascal Fort (6 juin 2018). Appel à textes : Materia Arquitectura journal #17: Studio / Office: place, agents, production (deadline: Jun 22, 2018). Carnet de veille UMR AUSser. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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